Dixie Forum to present lecture on relevant legal questions

Dixie Forum to present lecture on relevant legal questions

DixieForumShadmanBashirDixie State University Instructor Shadman Bashir will examine the law in the context of popular culture at the next installment of the university’s weekly lecture series “Dixie Forum: A Window on the World.”

By analyzing real and hypothetical scenarios including the civil business model of the “Fantastic Four” and the legal relationship of Batman and Robin, Bashir will answer legal questions during his presentation “Killer Robots, Batman, and the Law.” The lecture is set to take place from noon to 12:50 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 13, in the Dunford Auditorium of the Browning Resource Center on the Dixie State campus. Admission is free and the public is encouraged to attend.

A visiting professor of law and international relations at Dixie State, Bashir teaches political science, criminal justice and business courses. He also serves as an adviser at Brigham Young University Law’s International Center for Law and Religion Studies.

Bashir has taught English, Islamic, and U.S. law. His expertise in law and international affairs include the topics of terrorism and conflict as well as international security, unconventional warfare, and international human trafficking and slavery. A native of the Pakistani tribal region, Bashir speaks six languages and multiple dialects. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Edwardes College and a degree in English and Islamic law from the University of Peshawar in Peshawar, Pakistan. He then moved to the U.S. and received a master’s degree in comparative law from California Western School of Law in San Diego.

Dixie Forum is a weekly lecture series designed to introduce the St. George community and DSU students, faculty and staff to diverse ideas and personalities while widening their worldviews via a 50-minute presentation. Next week, Dixie Forum will feature two lectures. First, Dixie State professors Dr. Melanie Hinton, Dr. Florence Bacabac and Dr. Amijo Comeford will present “Women in the Humanities.” The panel will take place at noon on Sept. 20 in the Dunford Auditorium. Then as a bonus lecture on Sept. 21, Dr. Robert Davie from the Utah Climate Center at Utah State University will present on environmental science at noon in the Zion Room on the fifth floor of Dixie State’s Holland Centennial Commons.

For more information about Dixie State University’s Dixie Forum series, please contact DSU Forum Coordinator John Burns at 435-879-4712 or burns@utahtech.edu or visit humanities.utahtech.edu/the-dixie-forum.