DSU’s Statement on the Utah Board of Higher Education’s Name Recommendation Vote

The Utah Board of Higher Education voted on Oct. 27 to recommend the name Utah Tech University as the new name for Dixie State University. The University appreciates the board’s support for this forward-thinking institutional name. Utah Tech University highlights the institution’s academic mission to prepare students for the workforce by combining a rich liberal arts education with active learning experiences.

The board’s vote is the latest step in a 15-month name recommendation process that has included more than 25,000 responses through surveys, interviews, focus groups, listening meetings, and more. After receiving approval from the Utah State Legislature, Utah Board of Higher Education, and DSU Board of Trustees to undergo a name recommendation process, the University formed the Name Recommendation Committee in March. To formulate a name recommendation, the committee considered countless factors such as trademarks, acronyms, availability, double meanings, stakeholder feedback, and more. The committee’s recommendation was forwarded to the DSU Board of Trustees, who voted June 29 to recommend Utah Tech University as the new institutional name. The recommendation will next be forwarded to the Utah State Legislature for a vote.

To review the complete name recommendation process timeline, visit utahtech.edu/nameprocess.